Heat Exchangers
The fabrication experience at Rhino has been utilized for heat exchangers in various industries. While Titanium, Aluminum and other materials are an option; we have the most experience with SS heat exchangers.
Here are a few examples of Stainless Steel heat exchangers that we have manufactured.
309SS is required for these very large heat exchangers. Burning diesel fuel in Fireboxes that get as hot as several thousand degrees Farenheit, the 309 alloy holds up tremendously. These fireboxes not only need to be air tight for HVAC application, they are operated in very remote locations with long runs between servicing.
Many hundreds of Rhino's heat exchangers have now operated for 5+ years and several thousand hours without failure. Our customer has graciously said that Rhino "builds the greatest heat exchanger known to man."
This Diesel burning heat exchanger was a challenging start up. Fabricated out of SS304, but still withstanding high temperature fluctuations. Satisfying a customer's accounting department on product that had previously been manufactured in-house, it is difficult to be viewed as a cost competitive option.
Our lean manufacturing won over their accountants, and our ability to rapidly bring this item through FAI process to production supported a very aggressive project schedule. With a start up schedule of only 2 months, and an initial production rate of 10 units/week; the creative project management at Rhino helped support a valuable new customer.


A Stainless Steel Fin Tube heat exchanger was the best solution for this application. Maximum heat transfer with minimum heat input; these custom fin tubes are fit tightly together and intricately welded for zero measurable gas escapement.
Manufactured of SS316, with only 20 of these units manufactured to date, this project demonstrates our ability to support your prototype heat exchangers cost effectively in a shortened time frame.
An even larger 309SS heat exchanger. This unit is built in very low quantities, 3-6 / year. Rhino maintains high standards of quality and remains as cost effective as possible for this project even in low quantity application.
Thousands of inches of weld go into every one of these fireboxes. Our qualified weld processes are so robust that some units experience a perfect first pass yield.
